Maize is the second most cultivated crop in the world. Since corn feeds billions of people, we can estimate that fall armyworm damage could result in the deaths of millions. Fall armyworm is a destructive insect native to the Americas that is currently causing economic losses in corn crops.
The larvae of the fall armyworm moth appear in green, olive, pale pink or brown colors and have four dark spots in each abdominal segment and three patterns down the back and nine in the abdominal segment arranged in a trapezoidal shape. There is a white structure shaped like an inverted Y in the English language between the eyes on the head.
It is mainly a pest of maize. The adult moth is a strong flying moth, which can fly over 100 km in search of host plants. It mainly eats the leaves including stems and cobs of maize. The main harmful stages are the larvae and adults. The larvae cut and chew all the green parts of the maize except the roots. On an average, maize production in 1 acre land area is approximately (20-25) quintals. But due to attack of fall armyworm its production reduces by (16-18) quintals i.e. production reduces by (20-30)%.
Farmers facing the problem of fall army worm in maize crop can get rid of it by spraying Ampligo (Chlorantranilprol (10%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (5%) ZC) or Corazane (Chlorantranilprol 18.5% w/w).
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