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6 January 2024
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Often you must have heard that doctors forbid people who are suffering from obesity from consuming wheat. As an important step in the context of agriculture to improve food security and the lives of farmers, the development of new and stronger varieties of wheat is of utmost importance. Similarly, to bring a new revolution in the agricultural industry of India, the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics of Punjab Agricultural University has developed a new variety of wheat called PBW RS1. Agricultural scientists have prepared the PBW RS1 variety in 8 to 10 years by researching many varieties of wheat. The PBW RS1 is an example of excellence developed with impeccable design and expertise. This variety is superior in high productivity, performance, and disease resistance, thereby providing safe and high profits to the farmers.

Features of PBW RS1

The introduction of this new wheat variety will not only provide greater productivity to farmers but will also strengthen India's agriculture industry. Along with this, this variety will also make an important contribution towards food security.

  • High Productivity: PBW RS1 is a high grain per plant variety, providing higher profits to farmers.
  • Disease Resistance:This variety is resistant to various types of germs and diseases, thereby ensuring the safety of the crop.
  • HIGH NUTRITION: PBW RS1 is rich in the energy and nutrition of wheat, providing excellent food resources.
  • Adaptation:This variety is adapted to different regional climates and soil conditions, thereby having the potential for high productivity in different areas.
  • Good quality: PBW RS1 is suitable for high-quality wheat and is particularly sitable for flour manufacturing, allowing the creation of excellent food products.

Health Benefits of PBW RS1 Wheat

Wheat provides an excellent source to meet individual health needs. This can help encourage a healthy lifestyle and help ensure physical health. There are many health benefits of consuming PBW RS1 wheat:

  • Nutritional Richness – PBW RS1 Wheat is high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, meeting overall nutritional requirements. It can become an important part of a healthy diet.
  • Gluten-Free – PBW RS1 wheat is gluten-free, making it suitable for people with celiac disease.
  • Helps in controlling diabetes – Its good fiber composition helps in controlling diabetes.
  • Lowering serum cholesterol status – Consuming PBW RS1 wheat can help reduce serum cholesterol status, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Will be available in the market from April 2024 onwards

This wheat will be available in the market from April 2024 onwards. Due to the fiber present in it, it will be digested quickly, which will also be beneficial for diabetic patients. At the same time, the crop of this new seed will be less, but its rate will be higher in the market.

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