For the farmers cultivating guar, agricultural experts have advised not to sow guar in the month of May. The reason given behind this was that if farmers sow guar in the month of May then the growth of the crop will be higher due to which there will be more chances of crop failure. The second fortnight of June is considered to be the appropriate time for sowing of guar. Treat the seeds before sowing and only after that sow the seeds. To prevent root rot of guar crop, which is also called Ukheda disease, seeds should be sown only after dry treatment for 15 to 20 minutes at the rate of 3 grams Carbandazim 50 percent (Bevistin) per kg seeds. To get better yield of guar, sow guar varieties HG 365, HG 563 and HG 2-20 at appropriate time. To get better yield of guar, it is better to grow it in sandy loam soil.
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