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9 August 2024
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Crop yield depends on 17 essential nutrients. Zinc (Zn) is an important micronutrient, which is required for plant growth and development. Zinc participates in biological processes and improves the nutritional quality of plants. Zinc deficiency causes yellowing of plants and stunted growth. Zinc helps in preventing Khaira disease in rice crop. Due to unbalanced use of chemical fertilizers, soil becomes alkaline and zinc availability decreases. “Techno-Z” is a product of S M L Ltd. which contains 14% Zinc Oxide and 67% Sulphur. “Techno-Z” is based on WDG formulation, due to which it is easily absorbed by plants. The nutrient uptake capacity of “Techno-Z” is 10 times more than Zinc Sulphate. “Techno-Z” supplies zinc and sulphur at different stages of the crop. “Techno-Z” is becoming a boon for farmers due to its modern technology and quality.

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