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10 April 2024
project management tool

Punjab Agricultural University takes care of the quality and standards to maintain the long term trust and confidence of the farmers. PAU has produced substantial seeds of short duration paddy varieties like PR 130, PR 129, PR 128, PR 126, PR 121 and PR 114. Punjab Agricultural University encouraged farmers to avoid buying non-recommended seeds and buy seeds from reliable sources. Basmati varieties are also available for the current Kharif season like Punjab Basmati 7, Pusa Basmati 1847, Pusa Basmati 1121 and Pusa Basmati 1509 seeds. All paddy varieties are resistant to bacterial blight and have low chaff weight. Seed of high yielding and short duration summer moong variety SML 1827 is also available in sufficient quantity. These seeds are available at various Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Farm Advisory Service Centres, Regional Research Stations and University Seed Farms located in all the districts of the state. Farmers have been appealed to purchase quality and certified seeds from their nearest KVK, FASC, RRS and USF.

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