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28 October 2024
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Method of using the biofertilizer

Seeds are treated with this biofertilizer in the field. Half a kilogram of biofertilizer is dissolved in half a liter of water and then sown after drying the seeds in the shade. This process promotes the growth and production of the crop.

Precautions while using the biofertilizer

  • Use only the recommended biofertilizer.
  • Use the biofertilizer within its 3-month shelf life.
  • Store this biofertilizer in a cool place and sow early.
  • Do not use it mixed with chemical pesticides.

Availability and information

This fertilizer is available at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and various Krishi Vigyan Kendras in the state. For more information, the Microbiology Department of the University can be contacted.

For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse.

The consortium biofertilizer recommended by Punjab Agricultural University for increasing wheat production is a mixture of three types of biofertilizers. It includes: Azobacter cruocum: absorbs nitrogen from the air. Bacillus subtilis: converts insoluble phosphorus into soluble form. Pseudomonas biofertilizer: produces phytohormones, which promote plant growth.