Leveling the land before paddy cultivation can save 20-25% of water usage. Additionally, planting paddy in a levelled fields using specific equipment like a puddler or pulverizing roller can further conserve water.
Light or sandy soils lack water holding capacity, leading to reduced yields and increased cultivation costs. Opting for alternative crops in such soils can be more profitable.
Sowing paddy after June 15 can save significant water, as water levels drop less rapidly after that period. Direct sowing of paddy in June can also conserve up to 20% of water.
Planting paddy with poor quality water leads to suboptimal yields despite full investment, emphasizing the importance of using good quality water for cultivation.
Short-dwelling paddy varieties PR. 126, P.R. 131, etc.require less water, labor, and pesticides, leading to better incomes and easier management of straw. They also allow for timely sowing of subsequent crops like wheat.
Efficient water management practices, such as allowing water to dry up for specific periods and applying water at intervals, can save 20-25% of water without compromising yield, ultimately reducing electricity consumption as well.
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