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3 July 2024
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Paddy is an important crop of India which is grown in about one-fourth of the cultivable area and about half of the population of India uses it as a staple food. During the last 45 years, Punjab has achieved great progress in paddy production. Due to the use of new technology and high yielding seeds, paddy production in Punjab is the highest.

Origin of CR Paddy 807

CR Paddy 807 paddy variety has been developed by Central Rainfed Highland Rice Research Station, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, a unit of ICAR-National Rice Research Institute.

Characteristics of CR Paddy 807

  • Cultivation Areas: It is planted in irrigated areas of Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal.
  • Season: It has been found suitable for cultivation in both Kharif and Rabi seasons and also in high and low fertility land.
  • Plant Structure: This variety is semi-dwarf and its plant grows straight, which does not fall in excess rain or storm.
  • Yield: It has ear length up to 23.2 cm and has very good grain quality characteristics.
  • Grain Characteristics: It has long slender grains, no husk removal, low gelatinization temperature and medium amylose content.

Disease Resistance

It is moderately resistant to major diseases like blast, brown spot and sheath rot. It also has medium tolerance to brown plant aphid, leaf roller and stem borer.

Fertilizer Use Efficiency

CR Dhan 807 has good fertilizer use efficiency and has given high average yield of 5.35 t/ha. The variety has performed well under moderate drought conditions in rainfed trials and also requires less irrigation under irrigated conditions.

Other Important Characteristics

  • Herbicide Tolerance:The variety is a herbicide and drought tolerant paddy variety suitable for direct seeding.
  • Non-GMO: The variety is the first non-GMO herbicide tolerant non-Basmati rice variety released in India.
  • Environmental Impact:The variety substantially reduces the cost of paddy cultivation and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Climate Adaptation:The variety is suitable for rainfed early direct seeded conditions and is drought tolerant climate resilient variety.
  • Crop Duration: The crop matures in 110-115 days and has an average yield level of 4.2 t/ha under normal rainfall and 2.8 t/ha under drought conditions.
  • Notification:The variety is notified for Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.

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