TypesAmount of Urea (kg per acre)Time and method of fertilizationCSR 3018Punjab Basmati 7, 5, Pusa, 1121 on Basmati 171836Apply the specified amount of urea fertilizer in two equal installments in the field 3 weeks and 6 weeks after planting.Pusa Basmati 1847 and 150954
Add quantity of urea for different Basmati varieties to supplement nitrogen content as follows.
19 July 2024
Basmati does not need it if the recommended amount of phosphorus fertilizer has been applied to pre-sown wheat. But in phosphorus deficient lands apply 75 kg of single superphosphate per acre before the last pumpkin.
Time and method of fertilization
- Do not add urea fertilizer to standing water. Apply water 3 days after fertilization. Directly sown crop of unpumped Basmati was applied with 54 kg urea per acre divided into three equal parts at 3, 6 and 9 weeks after sowing. Apply phosphorus and potash nutrients based on soil test.
- Apply 25 kg Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate (21%) or 16 kg Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (33%) per acre at the time of pumpkin planting to compensate zinc deficiency in Basmati fields which were deficient in zinc last year. should Even in very poor soils, zinc deficiency is observed in dhauri despite the application of zinc sulphate. In such a case 10 kg zinc sulphate heptahydrate (21%) or 6.5 kg zinc sulphate monohydrate (33%) should be mixed with dry soil and spread in the deficient areas.
- If there are signs of iron deficiency, give the crop plenty of water as soon as possible. Spray one percent iron on the leaves at an interval of one week. So mix one kg of ferrous sulphate in 100 liters of water and sprinkle it per acre. By doing 2-3 such sprayings iron deficiency can be completed.
For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse application.