7 January 2025
Farmers who delay wheat sowing need proper crop care. This article provides 8 easy and effective tips to protect your crop from damage and increase production.
Fertilizer Management
- Apply urea 40 kg/acre in rainy areas.
- Irrigate in areas without rainfall.
- Do not use excess nitrogen (urea) if the crop is yellow.
Irrigation Management
- Avoid irrigation if there is a possibility of rain.
- Irrigate judiciously to avoid waterlogging.
Weed Management
- Spray clodinafop (160 g/acre) or pinoxaden (400 ml/acre) for narrow leaves.
- Use 2,4-DE (500 ml/acre) or metsulfuron (8 g/acre) for broad leaves.
- For mixed weed control, spray sulfosulfuron or mesosulfuron.
Yellow Rust Disease Management
- Do regular inspection.
- When symptoms appear, spray propiconazole (0.1%) or tebuconazole + tri fluoxytrobin (0.06%).
Termite Control
Treat seeds with chlorpyrifos (4.5 ml/kg seed) or fipronil (4.5 ml/kg seed).
Fertilizer Dosage
- For late sowing in irrigated areas, use 125 kg/ha seed.
- Apply fertilizer 90:60:40 kg/ha (nitrogen, phosphorus, potash) timely.
For higher production
Spray 02% chlormequat chloride and 01% tebuconazole in 50-55 days.
By following these suggestions, farmers can improve the production and quality of their crops.
For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse.