Keeping the season in mind, cut vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes, chillies, brinjals, and okra at regular intervals to get more produce. As per advice, use 2 kg seed per acre for irrigation of seeds sown for bottle gourd, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, petha, tinda etc. and 1.0 kg per acre for vanga. To prevent jassid disease in ladyfinger, spray 80 ml neem based bio-pesticide, Ecotin (Azadiractin 5%) per acre in 100 liters of water once or twice at an interval of 15 days. The weather is favorable for sowing onion. Keep the seed rate at 10 kg per hectare. Before sowing, treat the seeds with captan at 2.5 grams per kilogram. When the height of the potato plant becomes 15-22 cm, then cultivate or pluck it 30-35 days after sowing. From this maximum product can be obtained. It is time to plant evergreen fruits like citrus (sweet lady, mandarin, lemon, lime and grapefruit) etc. This will increase the product. Fruit plants growing on new plants are very soft. Therefore, carry out seedling, irrigation, training, pruning and plant protection measures on rooted plants very carefully. Farmers may suffer losses due to lack of caution. In citrus fruits, citrus psylla can be controlled by spraying 200 ml Crocodile/Confidor 17.8 SL or 160 gm Ektara/Dotara 25 in 500 liters of water per acre. To prevent flower diseases like wilted ends or die back, anthracnose or stem-end rot, spray Bordeaux mixture 2:2:250 on the plants.
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