According to experts, if paddy is harvested in the first week of May, the water level will be 70 cm. Similarly, the paddy planted on 20th May and 10th June declined by 50 cm and 10 cm respectively. Whereas after June 15, the decline in water due to paddy transplantation is negligible. Therefore, sowing paddy only after June 15. Short and medium duration varieties of paddy like PR. Sow only 126, PR 128, PR 131 etc. Do not plant non-recommended long growing varieties like Pusa 44, Peeli Pusa etc. Direct sowing of paddy in the month of June can save up to 20 percent water. At least 25 percent water can be saved by planting paddy on barren lands/beds. Before planting paddy, leveling the field with laser harrow and doing uniform irrigation also saves water. Planting paddy with soil loosening roller saves 20-25 percent water. After planting Paneeri in the field, it is necessary to store water only for the first 15 days. After this, each irrigation should be done only after 2 days. In heavy soil this time can be increased further. But be careful not to create cracks in the ground. Irrigation should be stopped 15 days before harvesting of paddy. Alternative low water crops like maize, sorghum, groundnut etc. can be planted in place of paddy. Drain irrigation of open row crops like sugarcane, cotton, sunflower and spring maize from April to June can reduce water requirement by 25 percent. During summer, up to 5 liters of water can be saved by spreading crop mulch at the rate of 6 tonnes per hectare in the crop rows and maintaining adequate moisture in the field. Drip and sprinkler irrigation can save a large amount of water (15-40 percent) by laying plastic pipes from tube wells to fields, installing tube wells in the middle of fields, paving drains and cleaning drains regularly. Apart from this, 30-35 percent water can be saved by bringing the fruit and vegetable fields under drip and sprinkler irrigation. The decline in groundwater level can be prevented by draining excess water from fields in monsoon into deep bores through filter units and timely cleaning of village ponds. So let us pledge to conserve precious water at every level (in agriculture/households/factories) and use it wisely.