Potato and sweet potato production is important in India, and now assistance is also being taken from the International Potato Center of Peru for its development. This center will be established in India, which will help Indian farmers to develop new and improved potato and sweet potato varieties.
Among these, Shimla-based Central Potato Research Institute (ICAR-CPRI) is working on potato. Whereas, Thiruvananthapuram-based Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI) is working on sweet potatoes. This will benefit farmers not only in India but also in other South Asian countries. The agreement for this project is being signed between the Government of India and the Peruvian Institute, and the expenditure is said to be Rs 160 crore.
This center will focus on the development of potatoes and sweet potatoes in India that are climate-friendly, disease-free and suitable for processing. This will provide better production possibilities to Indian farmers. With this, India will move ahead in competition with China in potato production. China's potato production in 2020 was 78.24 million tonnes, while India's was 51.30 million tonnes. It is expected that with the establishment of Peru's potato center in Agra, Indian crops will overtake China's.