Advantages:High demand in the market, crop ready in 65-70 days. Varieties: Pusa Sheetal, Pusa-120, Pusa Ruby, Pusa Gaurav, Arka Vikas, Pusa Hybrid-1, Pusa Hybrid-2. Yield: 800-1200 quintals in one hectare, earning up to Rs 10 lakh.
Advantages: Good demand for both cauliflower and cabbage. Varieties:Early Kunwari, Pusa Katiki, Pusa Deepali, Pusa Subhra, Pusa Snowball-1, Pusa Drumhead. Yield:100 quintals in one acre, earning up to Rs 2 lakh.
Advantages: Stable demand in the market, good prices. Varieties:Pusa A-4, Punjab-7, Parbhani Kranti, Arka Anamika. Yield: Sale up to Rs 5 lakh per acre, profit of Rs 3.5 lakh.
Advantages: Crop ready in 50-60 days, high production. Varieties: Pusa Himani, Japanese White, Pusa Reshmi. Yield: 250 quintals per hectare, earning up to Rs 1.50 lakh.
Advantages: Crop ready in 30 days, high demand. Varieties: Jobner Green, Pusa Jyoti, Punjab Green. Yield: 150-250 quintals per hectare, earning up to Rs 1.50-2 lakh.
For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse application.
The month of August is considered best for vegetable cultivation. It has low cost and good profit. Vegetables are ready early, so farmers can earn continuously.