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18 December 2024
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Sowing of gram has been completed in many states of the country, the fields are moist due to fog and cold, which has increased the expectation of production. 8 types of weeds like Makoy, Wild Amaranth, Latjira, Bathua, Hirankhuri, Satyanashi etc. can cause damage to the gram crop. The Agriculture Department has issued an advisory to farmers for weed control. Before sowing, mix 2.2 liters of Fluclotoline 45EC in 800-1000 liters of water and spray. Within 72 hours of sowing, spray 3-3.30 liters of Pendimethylene 30 EC with a latte fan nozzle. Gram is the third major pulse crop of India, which is a good source of protein and provides health benefits. If weed control and disease prevention is not done on time, the crop can suffer huge losses.

For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse.