Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) disease in tomato crop has a huge impact on production. CMV causes reduced yield and deterioration in the quality of tomato fruits. Symptoms of CMV include mosaic pattern on leaves, leaf deformation, stunting and small fruits. CMV is spread primarily by aphids, which feed on plant sap. CMV can also be spread through contaminated equipment, plant sap and seeds. There is no cure for CMV, so proper management and right strategies are the only prevention. Use insecticidal soap, neem oil or other insecticides to control aphids. Selecting resistant varieties can reduce the risk of infection. Controlling weed population in and around tomato fields can prevent CMV infection. Infected plants and surrounding weeds should be destroyed. Planting treated seeds can reduce the initial virus load. Monitor the orchard for any signs of CMV infection and remove affected plants immediately.
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