news-heading:The following symptoms are seen due to zinc deficiency in wheat: news-desc: The height of the plants decreases and the leaves become small. White-brown spots appear in the middle leaves of the plants. If the deficiency is more, the leaves turn white and start withering. The symptoms of zinc deficiency are more clearly seen in the Kathia wheat varieties. news-heading:Solution: news-desc: Zinc sulphate can be used in the field to overcome zinc deficiency. The amount of zinc sulphate can be given 10 to 20 kg per acre, it can be increased or decreased according to the deficiency. Spray 0.5% solution of zinc sulphate in the standing crop 30 days after sowing and spray again after 15 days. To make the solution, dissolve 1 kg zinc sulphate and 0.5 kg quicklime in 200 liters of water. Consider this solution sufficient for one acre. To check the quality of the solution, use an iron knife to ensure that the solution is neutral. For more information stay connected with Mera Farmhouse.